Halal Meat | Halal Food Australia
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Halal Meat Providers

We are active in working at identifying suitable Halal Meat Providers that are Halal Certified in Australia.

Halal Meat

Raw Beef on Wooden Plate

Halal Meat Directory

Refrigerated Goods

Halal Product Directory

Halal Meat is Australia's largest Online Directory for identifying suitable Local Halal Meat Providers. 


Listing suitable places to purchase Halal Meat and Halal Products across Australia. So if you are looking to find the right place to purchase Halal Meat for your home or business then using our range of filters will help identify the nearest Local Halal Provider near you. 

Our team call and speak to the owners of every business listed. Where they are Halal Certified we make clear reference and maintain all information such as who the Halal Authority is and the date of expiry of the Halal Certificate. Where they are not Halal Certified we make every effort to identify a Self Managed  or Halal Suitable business. If a business is clearly identified as Non Halal (Haram or Mashbooh) we will make every effort to ensure that they are not listed. We invite everyone to be vigilant and make every effort to confirm Halal Status in person at the time of purchasing.

Our online filters help identify suitable Halal Meat Providers across all main Australian Cities. So if you are in Perth looking for a suitable Halal Lamb provider then our directory is a great way to start. If you are wanting to find a Local Halal Supplier of Hand Slaughtered Chicken our directory is the right place to start.

New Listings to Halal Meat Directory...

The team from Halal Food just wanted to give a warm welcome to the latest members of our Halal Meat Directory. These venues aim to provide a range of wonderful Halal Meat Options. So if you are looking for HSL (Hand Slaughtered Options) or Halal Certified Meats then you will be able to easily identify a suitable local supplier for all your meat needs.

Some of our Members do have a specialised range such as Duck, Camel, Water Buffalo and more... while we make every effort to confirm information to assist you we ask that you make suitable enquiries when considering our Members as a supplier this is mostly due to the availability of Halal Meat that takes into account seasonal pricing and other factors...

Should you need further assistance do not hesitate to reach out to us through our online chat (the blue Halal Food Logo)

Preston Halal Meats

Preston Halal Meats is a Melbourne Based Company which is 100% Aussie owned and operated. We bring years of experience in the fresh meat industry.

Ummah Halal Meats

Ummah Halal Meats is an online world of Halal meat that delivers the best quality of Halal meat products around Melbourne and its surroundings.

West Coast Meats

West Coast Meats is a family owned Meat Processing facility, operated by Ross Waddell and daughters, where we process Halal Beef, Halal Lamb, Halal Mutton and Halal Goat.

Halal Food: "Paddock to Plate" in Australia

Halal Food: "Paddock to Plate" in Australia

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